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Taking cameras even higher again... 

Solving your imagery challenges... It's what we do.

Drones are awesome BUT, did you know that drones:​

  • can't fly higher than 120m (400ft) AGL (above ground level)

  • can't fly in controlled airspace of both Adelaide and Parafield Airports (without paying expensive application fees with no guarantee of a favourable outcome)


Did you know:


That in the above scenarios it is probably cheaper to have us capture awesome images for you from a helicopter than it would be to try and get CASA approval to fly a drone in those situations.

Got a challenging imagery situation, ask us for the solution.

Adelaide Aerial Photographer

Let's know what you have in mind and we can tailor a package to suit you and your budget.


Call us now on 0416 200 824 to discuss your requirements.

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